Saturday, October 9, 2010


Do i destroy all relationships that matter to me?
am i exactly like my mother?
am i too passionate for my own good?
do i care so much about people and things that do not matter?
is it that regardless of attributes i wish i didn't have - i still do?
do some people always see the worst, myself especially?
Do things always end up back like this?


Anonymous said...

Hey my love.

It´s weird hey - I think I was thinking this EXACTLY a few days ago. therefore I can comment on this. cool.

So we're kinda all in fear of ending up like our parents/certain characteristics of theirs. But you know what? Basically, by being afraid of that particular behaviour, means that you're really conscious about it and therefore act carefully instead, or are aware when you have acted in a way that you're not happy with.

And nothing is going to 'end up' at an unhappy place, it'll just stop by it: me. on this.

And while making this an essay, PLEASE remember your passion for your life, friends & family is one of the things everyone loves most about you.

hugs, xoxo