Saturday, July 2, 2011


so went to lucas' late last night
and talked
fell asleep in the bungalow snuggling.
such a nice feeling.
but makes me miss jonathon even more than i already currently do!
played bball in the back yard with lucas.
i like to think i am getting better.
which is nice.
then went home, and played some more online 500
and then got ready for rehearsals followed by hitting le town!
ahhh what a night.
uni parties are beyond exciting.
when you realize you know about 1/3 or the people there, or that you know somebody who knows them, its fun.
better when you have a boy companion.
some guys just do NOT get the hint.
seriously do you think girls running away from you is cute?
fun night non-the-less :)
and rehearsals were hilarious.
ask me about it.
but it involves pirouettes and josiah nearly getting kicked in the balls...
dangerous stuff ballet :P

drinking my own home made vodka raspberry to pre's probably wasnt the best idea
but it was fun :)
and a good night
so meh :)