Monday, September 27, 2010

out and about.

It was a fairly hectic weekend.
house warming of one of the coolest people i've met at uni on friday night.
drinks and walking around carlton.
entertaining :)
spending time with cynic and legsit had been a while.
getting home and squishing the 3 of us into one bed.
it was joyous :)
slightly frustrating, because 3rd wheeling, is okay, if you know you have your own partner to hold onto sometime soon.
that was slightly upsetting to realize it was not the case :(
less than 50 days now.

saturday, well, it was the grand final of course.
i was meant to have work.
or so i thought.
got there - realized nobody else was - and discovered its next weekend.
i think so.

saving grace?
i spent pretty much the entire afternoon and night skyping with india - in china :P
thank goodness for that.
its much like when i was younger.
i never felt home sick because i never spoke to my loved ones whilst i was away.
i feel like one of the other children now.
 as much as i love talking to him, and seeing him.
it doesn't help that fact that i wont get to actually touch him again, for quite some time.

yesterday. sunday. my cousin got married.
my cousin - closest in age to myself.
she is 20.
i feel so much older now.
have i really reached that stage in my life?
when people start getting married?

you know what i mean.
theres the 18ths, and 21sts, and then marriage?
how did i get to marriages, before 21sts?
gah. i feel so old.

it was a beautiful wedding though.
beautiful sunny day.
could not have asked for anything greater.
and she deserved every moment of it.
i do wish them all the best.
they are an amazing couple.
trish and rikki (chad).

i realized something else.
in the past 12 months i've been to 3 weddings.
and never been single at any of those times, but yet went alone to all of them.
this was however, in all my history of weddings,
the first time i was at a reception completely alone.
having no one to dance with, when all the couples get up to dance.
it kindof makes me miss him all over again.
just somebody to be there.

being less girly as of...

on my way back to gossip girl.
finally seen all of season 3.
onto the two epsiodes of season 4 that are out.
i'm actually upset.
i dont like having to wait for episodes to be aired.
i can only really watch television shows all at once...
sortof like a really long movie.

anyways - this was procrastination (so whats new)
so i best get back to my chemisty. :/

For Rikki and Trish <3