Thursday, September 30, 2010

public transport.

i caught a bus today.
alright - i do this quite often for uni.
but today i did it for leisure reasons.
how i do not miss having to catch public transport all the time.
 i suppose its bizare.
but i don't see how everybody does it.
whilst i actually enjoyed catching the bus today.
because the weather was beautiful.
and i wore shorts and a singlet.
okay - this was probably because i wanted the weather to be good.
better than the never ending winter we've had.
seriously - could it have been any longer?

but back on to my topic.
i don't know how people my age, can stand not having their license.
i drive to work. x 4.
i don't drive to uni - because it would be a death sentence.
but i drive everywhere and anywhere i can.
to do as i feel.
i hate how limited it is because i don't have my own car.
but not to have my licence?
would be killer.
well - maybe not. but definitely a lot less convienent.

have work tomorrow.
first proper work shift i've had all holidays.
which in itself is bizare.
seems majority of my jobs end with holidays.
makes sense from cpca point of view.
trying to quit brumbys. so i cant complain about that.

turns out my second job is hiring.
bought a new booth.
email them if you want a job.
its pretty good.
definitely can't complain.
hope you are all well :)