Monday, June 27, 2011


first real day of freedom.

and boy was it.
after staying up til 2am talking with the boy.
i got up at 10 so that i could do my timetable.
after a stressful hour or so of attempting to timetable i finally got it done, and exactly as i wanted.
which was good.
5 day week, but its a relaxed 5 day week which means I might be able to fit more study and me time in. maybe.
thats a pretty big maybe.
but i'll try.

then off to lunch dates with phil and caroline.
breaking in the jaffle iron.
omgggg omnomnom.
we had sandwhiches.
with cheese and salami.
and marshmellows and peanut mnms. it was actually insane.
but great.
and then we played 500 and big 2 whilst chatting (wilf was there by this point)
lovely enjoyable arvo.
phil I then headed to kew east primary and had some bball practice with lauchy.
it was actually heaps of fun.
it was the first time i've got to practice bball since i've started playing.
like not an intense game situation, but get used to the ball, practice shooting, getting the action right even though it will be completely different when i am being defended.
*fingers crossed* it will translate and i will actually score in the games.

judith didn't want to start once i got outside.
which was actually so upsetting.
will probably have to see a mechanic tomorrow *sadface*
meant liz had to come pick me up from home for our after dinner ice cream date.
which was actually awesome.
nothing better than cold rock ice creamery.
how i love it :)
and more importantly than that.
was getting to catch up with one of the bestest girls in my life.
whom i have missed greatly!
