Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Well, Monday's, effectively my Sunday.
I quite like them.
definitely had a case of sunday night itis though (yes I realize it was a monday)
but you know the feeling I mean.
Impending doom for the looming monday - even though its a tuesday.
same thing.
uncomfortable to say the least :/

played netball. not well unfortunately.
slightly frustrating.
watched amazing race Australia. awesome.
had training for work (start on friday)
naplan marking. ooh yeah.

slightly failing at this "taking photos" thing.
think its because I have silly silly boring days.
taking photos at work or on public transport is just kinda weird.

chilled with the boy in the middle of the day.
surprised - but loved it.
went to tutoring.
panicking a little.
more pressure than you would think for major improvements to occur.

that was pretty much my monday.