Monday, February 8, 2010


spent hours watching sex and the city.
10 episodes.
and the movie.
thats a LOT of sex and the city.
somehow, rather enthralling.
potentially frustrating.
strange because cynic could quote the entire film.
but, this is cynic we are talking about.

reminded me that i REALLY want to see secret diaries of a call girl.
from start to finish.
preferably with company, however not a necessity.

went to sleep relatively early.
considering my current sleeping patterns.
slept beside a male.
didn't feel threatened at all.
considering all previous events.
alarm woke me, and i did not want to get out of bed.
decided i must.
drove to vets house.
attempted chemistry revision.
she was smart, and didn't throw out her books.
lasted aproximately 30mins.

wii was much more entertaining.
and phallic playdough.
discussed, love, life, this blog, and everything in between.
was enjoyable spending time with her.
came to the conclusion i do not understand boys.
but especially one.

realized my week is now busy, pretty much because i was with her.
like this.

also realized the amazingness that will be o-week.
i am probably a little bit TOO excited about this.
i'm way too broke to be excited about partying.
i'm also excited about meeting new people.
fun :-)

oh and SSS throw a foam party.
that is potentially the coolest thing i have ever heard.
i am so excited its unbelievable.
and its in march.
have i died and gone to heaven? maybe.
pity about the actual uni /studying part :P

i feel this year needs to actually start already. but then i realize, it has?
i can think of a number of reasons why it doesn't feel that way though.
not going to uni, for one.
and for two. well.
thats for me to know, and you blog, never to find out :-)
"Don't tell me not to fly, I simply got to
If someone takes a spill, it's me
and not you
Who told you you're allowed to rain on my parade"
[don't rain on my parade. funny girl.]

gossip girl.